Thursday, May 17, 2012

EDITH HEAD (1897-1981)


Born: October 28th, 1897 (California).

Died: October 24th, 1981 (bone morrow disease).

Marriage: Charles Head (1923-1936) & Wiard Ihnen (1940-1979).

Children: Godmother to one of the daughter of Anne Baxter.

Awards: With eight Oscars wins and an additional twenty-seven nominations, she was the Queen of the Academy Awards. It was not uncommon for her to be nominated on two to three movies at a time and win all of them. If you would like to see a break down of her wins and nominations visit She also has a star on the Walk of Fame and received a Laurel Award and was nominated for a BAFTA award.

Interesting Fact: In 1920, she achieved a masters degree in French at Stanford University.

My Favorite Movie: Not knowing much about the costume designing industry myself, and looking over the large list of films that she contributed too, I find it hard to pick a favorite film based on its designing alone. As strange as it may seem, I would feel that The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) is as close to a favorite of hers as I can pick. John Wayne's rugged look in this picture is apart from all of the rest of his. Each character is true to the western feel, yet they are completely separated from each other by their appearances.

When I was younger, I remember my parents finishing a movie off by searching for Edith Head's name in the credits. My mother would often say, "I knew it," upon the discovery of her talent in the film. She has won more Oscar's than any other woman of Hollywood and set the style of fashion for nearly sixty years. She also worked with almost every major director and movie star during her career, many of which became personal friends of hers.

In our day, she was recreated in the Pixar film The Incredibles (2004) as Edna E. Mode. In this film, she is in her common chopped bangs hair cut with her large glasses. I found this a fitting tribute to Edith, as a new generations curiosity of this women was born again.

This is a compilation of some of her films put to "Clair De Lune."


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