Saturday, December 24, 2011


Now that I have done a few posts, I hope to create a schedule. Here is what I have planned for the following months and hopefully years. Each week of the month I hope to have a theme centered around an Actor/Actress, Director or Movie Genre along with many other ideas. In fact I hope to use a pattern just like this:
-Week one, Actor/Actress of the week.
-Week two, Costume Designer, Screenplay, Cameraman or Composer of the week.
-Week three, Director of the week.
-While week four will be centered around a special theme such as genre, religion, era or any other misc. ideas.
Each day will cover a different aspect of each theme just like I have done with Capra. I hope you enjoy and add comments. If you have any additional ideas you would like to see, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. One day you will profile Betty Hutton, and perhaps her husband, Big Band Leader, Harry James.

    In the early sixties both Betty and Harry became Christians, attending a church in North Hollywood, California. It was approaching the end of the school year and my church teen choir was performing at the church being attended by the James. During the service the James announced an invitation to all seniors in attendance, and included those in my choir.

    Those of us who were seniors went to the party at their Beverly Hills home, and while the home was beautiful, it did not have grandeur and glamor we have come to associate with Hollywood homes. The party was a delight, capped off by the Harry James trio playing and Betty Hutton singing. No microphones, no electronic instruments; just a piano, bass violin and, of course, Harry on his trumpet. Amongst the songs that evening, Betty sang, Going To Write Myself A Letter.

    I had certainly heard big band/swing music, but it was my first time to hear it performed live by professionals. I have been a fan ever since.

    Nice site, Mr. CML. I insist upon shooting your profile photo. I have a few ideas I think you might like.

