Monday, June 4, 2012


My wife and I really love to watch TV shows together. We have watched the complete series of The Dick Van Dyke Show, MacGyver and even The Big Bang Theory. We have also watched a few seasons of shows like Get Smart, I Love Lucy, The Wild, Wild West & Bewitched. This has become one of our favorite past times together. We often think back to places we lived and categorize them by what TV show we were watching then.

Recently my wife wanted to start a new series. She asked if there were any other good ones to see, so I gave her a list and we decided to try out Dragnet. She found it online for free at where we began with season one.

The moment we started it, she was surprised to find the theme song familiar. The show was ahead of it's time and it inspired series like CSI and others. Each story is true but the names were changed to protect the innocent. Best of all, if someone is brutally killed, you don't see the body. If someone robbed a store or bank, you don't see the incident. Think of it for a moment. Is it possible that certain acts of violence have been inspired by what they saw on television. In this show you only see the work done to stop the evil, not what caused it. Call us old fashion, but we both find this kind of entertainment funner to watch.

Not only would I consider this show a must see for any family, it is also for anyone who loves crime fighting as well. It adds a little humor as the first season progresses but the mystery is still there. There is no hidden clues, no revealing twists in the characters. They may not find the villain by themselves and may even have to drive far to get to those who did. It's just true stories, just the way they happened.

Some of you may have never heard of this show. Others may have heard about it, but were not sure if it's for them. That's where I come in, I WRITE A BLOG!

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