Tuesday, January 24, 2012


As I started this week with studying the religion of the entertainers of yesteryear, I decided to start off strong with those either of Jewish decent or conversion. I quickly became overwhelmed, more than I had anticipated, by how many of our talented artists came from Jewish families, many of them refugees.

In fact I read something that I felt summed it up, "Hollywood was ran by Jewish executives who made Catholic movies for a Protestant Country." As I continued my research, I was surprised, though, by the amount of inaccurate facts and prejudices. One site had listed Charlie Chaplin as a Jew which is quite incorrect.

Another interesting find was a book being sold on Amazon titled, "An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood". Here, they displayed a connection to the film, "The Jazz Singer" (1927), as well as the moguls of Hollywood. The story of the character, Jackie Rabinowitz and his separation from the culture of his ancestors, is similar to the real lives of each of the producers shown below.

Their talents are intertwined, not just into the creation and performances of the cinema, but into the musical composition and even the television media. The collages I've created below reflect these different areas. I apologize if I have left some of your favorite individuals out. As I said before, I had no idea on the extent of research needed to uncover these great men & woman.

Actors & Actresses

Television Stars

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