Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I'm sorry for missing a day there. I have had a post for everyday excluding Christmas and I wanted to keep it that way. Yesterday, however, is a two-in-one holiday in our family. Not only is it Valentines, of course, it also happens to be my wife's birthday.

I thought I would be able to squeeze in some time, but each post can take up to a couple hours to prepare. Needless to say we had a wonderful February 14th here.

I appreciate this opportunity I have had to read, study and comment on some of the greats from Hollywood. I started this blog with a love of the era, but now my enthusiasm has turned into an appreciation for the hard work that went into each film. I hope to have a post for each day of the year, all 365 of them. With this new gained experience I hope to expand into other ideas around Hollywood for 2013.

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